
Music triggers memories, encourages us to move, and it provides opportunities to share and create stories. This class is designed for individuals in assisted living facilities including aging adults and those with cognitive decline or memory loss. It provides a gentle approach to the benefits that dance provides. Many of the dances are performed seated to create a safe environment for our dancers. Classes are structured so EVERYONE can participate.

Research indicates that older adults who dance on a regular basis can reduce their risk of Alzheimer’s by 76%. Other benefits include greater flexibility, postural stability, balance, physical reaction time, and cognitive performance than older adults who do not dance on a regular basis. With very low risk and so many benefits, why not bring dance into your life?

Why dance?

  • Experience the true essence of joy.
  • Explore functional movement through ballet, jazz, tap, ballroom and more.
  • Spark imagination and creativity.
  • Improve balance, coordination, mobility
    and more.
  • Turn listeners into participants.
  • Express emotions nonverbally.
  • Enhance brain health.
  • We have fun!

Thank you Lisa! They were buzzing about you all day. Most of them did not participate in the late day activity as they were so tired…but a great tired they all said.  🙂 They are so looking forward to you coming again.

Renaissance Assisted Living

Thanks to Empowerment Dance for bringing your energy, groovy tunes & thoughtful programming so our residents could experience an enhanced activity hour. We can’t wait to have you back.

Angels Touch Assisted Living

We are proud to bring dance to seniors in these area assisted living facilities.